The Blessed Virgin
Blessed Virgin is both closed and open, inviolable and generous; she
is 'clothed in the sun' because she is clothed in Beauty, 'the splendour
of the True,' and she is 'black but beautiful' because the Veil is both
closed and transparent, or because, after having been closed by virtue
of inviolability, it opens by virtue of mercy."
Frithjof Schuon, Esoterism as Principle and as Way, Perennial Books, 1981, p.62.
Regina Coeli
art more than a symbol; Thou art near
To me as blood and heart; Thou art the air
That makes me live, that makes me pure and wise;
A sweet and tender air from Paradise.
Thou art more than the words describing Thee
And more than all the sacred songs that we
Sing in Thy praise; my ecstasy was Thine before God's very making of the
Schuon, The Garland, 1994